Home Loan

Loan Amount
You can avail of Home Loan up to 80% of the cost of property. The actual loan amount is determined after assessing the individuals requirement and his repayment capacity based on various factors like:

  • Age
  • Educational background
  • Stability and Continuity of income
  • Number of dependents in the Family
  • Co-applicant’s income
  • Assets
  • Liabilities
  • Saving habits, and others

To calculate your indicative home loan eligibility based on your financial background you can use our


The maximum loan tenure on your Home Loan is up to 30* years. The tenure however does not extend beyond the retirement age or 70 years whichever is earlier.


The EMI that you would be paying to repay the loan depends on factors like Quantum of
loan, Interest rates applicable & the tenure you have taken the home loan for. To calculate the indicative EMI on your home loan you can use our

Applicant and Co-Applicant

Home Loans can either be applied individually or jointly. The Co-Applicant may or may
not be a Co-owner of the property. However all the Co-owners of the property must be a
Co-Applicant. Co-Applicants should be immediate family members like Spouse, Parents
or Children*.